Modern Slavery Act Statement

Werner Access Products UK Holdings Limited

This is the slavery and human trafficking statement made in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) prepared by Werner Access Products UK Holdings Limited, its affiliates and its subsidiaries (the “Group”). The Group fully supports the aims of the Act and is committed to tackling slavery and human trafficking where it can.

The Group is the manufacturing, retail and commercial arm in the UK of Willa Midco S.ὰ.r.l. (“Willa Midco”) (Company and Willa Midco collectively referred to as “Werner”), which manufactures and supplies ladders, access and climbing equipment and other products for domestic and commercial use around the world. It consists of Werner Access Products UK Holdings Limited, and its UK-based subsidiaries, including, for example, Werner UK Sales & Distribution Ltd.

Neither Werner nor any of its subsidiaries engage in or condone slavery and human trafficking anywhere in the world. The Group, like all of Werner’s subsidiaries, is governed by a Code of Conduct which prohibits the use of slave labour. Werner entities will comply with all laws relevant to their operations. In addition, the Group is committed to paying a competitive wage, to supporting collective bargaining rights and to the inclusive participation of employees through representative organisations.

The Group expects its suppliers, subcontractors and business partners to be equally diligent and to comply with all relevant laws. The Group will incorporate appropriate obligations into its business contracts on a risk-assessed basis.

There is an independent, anonymous reporting hotline for employees to report violations of the Code of Conduct and other suspected wrongdoing, including suspected instances of human trafficking or slavery.

This Statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Act on behalf of the Group. It applies equally to all Group entities.

This statement has been approved by the Group’s Board of Directors.